David Folgueira (first.id): “Our 1st party cookie allows publishers to regain sight of a large majority of their ad inventory”.

Published on

30 August 2022


David Folgueira
  • David Folgueira leaves his position as deputy executive director of the Prisma group’s advertising department to launch his own business. His goal? To help publishers survive a world without third-party cookies.
  • In an exclusive interview with Minted, he outlines his new project: first.id.

Minted. You’re leaving Prisma Media, where you were deputy managing director, to launch first.id. What does this project involve?

David Folgueira. My role within the Prisma Media group’s advertising department has enabled me to test the majority of identification solutions over the past three years. The conclusion is simple: none of them is, at this stage, conclusive. Existing solutions are very complex to set up, because you have to get the agencies and SSPs on board, and set up the connections. What’s more, they have very little reach, rarely exceeding 20% of identified users.

“Publishers’ revenues have fallen by 50% within Firefox and Safari due to the disappearance of third-party cookies”.

This is all very problematic because the disappearance of third-party cookies is a topic of today. Yes, Google has postponed their disappearance from Chrome until 2024, but this is anything but good news. Because it will undoubtedly prompt some to put the subject of cookieless back under the pile, even though it’s already 40% of a publisher’s inventory – the market share of Firefox and Safari – which has become very difficult to monetize because third-party cookies are blocked by these browsers. The result is a drop in revenues of around 50% within these environments. Which is obviously enormous.

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