Google Ads

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Overcome third-party cookie limitations in cookieless browsers with First-id for your google ads campaigns, by regaining a significant portion of your addressable audience with more accurate measurement.

First-ID offers a solution to the challenges posed by browsers that restrict third-party cookies like those used by Google Ads. By functioning as a first-party identifier within your web infrastructure, First-ID enables you to:

  • Reach More Users: Address unauthenticated users across your domains, regaining valuable audience reach lost due to third-party cookie restrictions.
  • Improve Measurement: Obtain more accurate and granular measurement data, leading to better forecasting and optimization in Google Ads.
  • Enhance Privacy: Reduce PII risks by utilizing a decentralized identifier that doesn’t rely on personal data.

For organizations with a significant portion of unauthenticated traffic, First-ID can serve as a stable customer identifier within the Google Ads ecosystem, unlocking valuable insights and optimization opportunities.

How Can I do that ?

We suggest you take the following actions in your google ads accounts :

  • Implement as User ID: Ingest First-ID as a “user_ID” parameter in Google Ads (see documentation).
  • Implement as PPID: Ingest First-ID as a “PPID” parameter in Google Ad Manager as described here.
  • Expand User ID Lists: reconcile unknown and known profiles using First-ID to increase the size of your user ID lists for Google Ads APIs.
  • Enhance Reporting: Use First-ID as a custom event parameter for granular, privacy-compliant attribution reporting.